Actual Freedom Day 2024 Dates to Be Announced - Check Back for Details
Quran - An English Translation by Yusef Ali
United States Constitution
A. Lincoln - Initial Proclamation September 22, 1861
A. Lincoln - Second Annual Message December 1, 1862
A. Lincoln - Final Proclamation 01-01-1863
A Lincoln - Gettysburg Address
A. Lincoln - First Annual Message December 3, 1861
Charles Carroll - The Negro A Beast
George Bancroft - A History of The United States
John Drink Water - Lincoln World Emanicpator
John Logan - The Great Conspiracy
Horace Greeley - The American Conflct
Claude Bowers - The Tragic Era
1883 Supreme Court Decision
Chief Justice Harlan Dissenting on 1883 Decision
Justice Curtis Dissenting on Dredd Scott Decision
Justice Taney Dissenting on Dredd Scott Decision
The Dredd Scott Case
Willie Lynch Letter
President Johnson & So Called Colored Delegation (Frederick Douglas)
Civil Rights Act of 1875